Another week, another new episode of HIMYM. So here is the preview of episode 2 of season 6, Cleaning house
This episode mostly centres around Barney as he and the gang help out his mum prepare to move out of his childhood home. His brother James (Wayne Brady) also makes an appearance. As they begin to pack, Barney uncovers a letter with a picture of him and James with an inscription at the back saying "
Your Son". After years of Loretta (Barney and James' mother) hiding who their fathers are, James immediately decides to go to whom this letter was addressed to. It becomes an emotional journey for both the brothers as James finally meets who his real father is, Sam (guest star Ben Vereen), and also Barney... who
finally comes to terms that Bob Barker is not his father, but later is oblivious to the fact the this African American man is not his father. Although Loretta speaks to Barney and passes a written note of whom his real father is. But will he accept it? Will he finally know who his father is? I'll let you guys know that for yourselves.
Meanwhile, Ted is still looking for 'the one' as Robin sets him up with her 'hot' make-up artist...but oversells his image. Marshall and Lily are still discussing about how they will raise their children - Santa or no Santa? As the concept of the episode is about lies, they debate whether they want their children to grow up knowing about Santa, to which Lily argues that she will not lie to her kids.
Overall, an enjoyable episode and we also get an impromptu performance by Barney with James and Sam.